Tiki was always evaluating me! She had mentioned wanting this pricey designer outfit. I told her to ‘wait and see’, intending on unusual her with it. When I got home one evening and located her not only wearing the outfit, but declaring she had made dinner reservations to reveal it off … I knew precisely what I would do. Her eyes were actually asking’ So what are you mosting likely to do about it?’ First I made her phone call the restaurant and also push the reservation by a hr. I informed her that she was going to get an excellent whipping before we headed out. She whimpered as well as desired me to simply punish her after we returned.” Oh, there will be lots of that when we return too” I told her more with my eyes than my inflection. I wanted her bottom to me shrieking warm all through supper … and it was! Hereafter extreme whipping with’ The Striper’, a cat-o-nine- tails and also the belt we were off. I told her at supper exactly how I prepared to shock her with the dress. Now she actually asked my to actually punish her when we returned. Some more of that is coming quickly!