For years now, Prefect Blake has been bringing errant students before the Headmistress. She was given her badge the very minute she was old enough, and has always done her best to live up to it: her marks are high and her record exemplary. When she finds one of her compatriots behaving otherwise, her job is simple – take the offending girl to Miss Hewitts office, stand up straight and keep a clear count of the strokes. Shes in the Upper Sixth now, almost done with pressing her uniform and doling out detentions, and shes watched more spankings than she can remember. Its only natural, surely, that she should have become a little curious. So shes come up with a plan… Behind The Scenes: The trouble with beautiful location shoots is that they arent always as practical as one might hope! This film benefited hugely from the gorgeous timbered living room that doubled as a private school teachers personal lounge – but fitting the camera in and getting the angles right took a few goes. Weve rounded up some clips from them for you, complete with our usual backstage quips and giggles.
Date: May 18, 2022
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